Matthew Atkinson stars in this episode featuring horrible parental manipulation being called out by his friend VINNY.

#bb serial summary – March 3, 2020

The fans, such s myself, must be getting to like Vinny, who has become the last voice of reason who stands up to Thomas as he uses Douglas.

The End, The Doors – where Thomas Forrester seems to be heading son Douglas

At Knight’s Day Camp in Upper saddle River, New Jersey, in the 1980s, there was a chant on my school’s for our beloved driver as we approached the campgrounds:

Alright Vinny! Alright Vinny!… This would continue for 5 minutes, in part because everyone loved Vinny’s attitude. Watching these episodes, I think the “ilk-on: part serves a chance at a bigger role. It it difficult to tell a man in his early twenties what to do, and by Vinny going with his conscience, the Bell team at CBS Daytime has made a likable yet forceful yet kind character.


Wyatt had always been a man who looks out for others.  Flo Fulton has always been a woman who looks out for others.

Thus, when Sally Spectra is almost certainly “dying” soon, Flo and Wyatt agree that Wyatt should;d fake his love for Flo and give Sally the “gift” of spending her final days with Wyatt.

Do you think so? I would not want someone faking love for me at time of death. Yes, Wyatt is a good man who cares for sally and at one time “loved” her. This move however has all the hallmarks of a terrible boomerang.

The Bold and the Beautiful®️ March 2, 2020
“loving use the right thing to do” – Carly Simon – matherton_tempo_map
“loving use the right thing to do” – Carly Simon – matherton_tempo_map-black
“loving use the right thing to do” – Carly Simon – matherton_tempo_map-feat-Katrina-Bowen
The Right Thing To Do – lyrics- obtained from -Google- Carly-Simon


This episode of The Bold and the Beautiful featured a master class in acting by Matthew Atkinson as Thomas Forrester.

Thomas is a very troubled man. So troubled in fact, he uses both Zoe, played by Kiara Barnes, and his son Douglas and uses them, fathers them, proposes to marry them – either because Thomas does not know what he wants, or Thomas simply wants to be with Hope and will break anyone’s heart to do it.


Change, Bowie