When I was 12, I, like so many of you, already lost 3 close family members to battles with cancer.
Alyvia Alyn Lind, as Faith Newman, does a most wondrous job of showing exactly how it feels to have the weight of this disease hurts you while at the same time having the determination not to allow it to affect her life more than her mother, played by Sharon Case, would want.

The song “My Brave Face” by Paul McCartney was written as a reaction to the death of Paul’s wife Linda.  Linda also died of cancer and the emotions one goes through in trying to stop an invisible killer could only be turned into a silver-lining song by the best of songwriters and performers — as that of a Sir Paul.

family-company-business-summary-#YR-s48, ep23
Faith Newman receives advice from older sister Mariah Copeland
Faith receives counsel from older sister Mariah
Mariah brings herself to empathize with Faith


‘My Brave Face” – Mariah, the older sister, helps Faith with family problems that McCartney faced — the horror of cancer

The best songs hit me in the gut, viscerally.

I’ll usually like a song or not based on

1) liking the initial bodily pull from the harmonic rhythm;

2) liking the melodic sounds

3) liking the harmonic choices

4) liking the sonority.

Speed is something that rules music, Burt I have never changed a song in my of purchases based on tempo. All music I measure is purchased. I thank YouTube and WordPress firewall allowing recording embeds, borrowed never stolen. I’m a 40 year musician – I get it. Also a lawyer, thus being disbarred for stealing and REO Speedwagon hit? No thanks! Live ya Kevin Cronin, so know I bought everything I listened to before checking out GREAT performances from all the fantastically generous artists on YouTube💯💯💯.

I *have* thousands of purchases based obj whether I like the way that tempo is being used. I own every Pat Metheny Group, Genesis and Dave Matthews Band song. In the end, Carter Beaford of the Dave Matthews Band has been there most underrated musician alive since 1992!



From “Notes on the ravings of Jim Deluva”, now that Jim has left New Jersey and is working in undisclosed location #22.

I told him that I was working on trying to get the drummer in my “too old to get on stage” garage band as it beats working out in a gym, pounding tom-toms!

The words of James came after the suggestion that if Ticket To Ride by the Beatles precedes a song, and he could play the next song, or decide which song to play in a band like Daryl Hall and friends

“Ticket To Ride”. The drumbeat is INSANE. It lurches and never locks into a straight groove until the bridge, where it starts and stops again. It isn’t exactly in the pocket – I.E.: it would be difficult to notate those tom-tom upbeats.

Personally, I would segue into “Tomorrow Never Knows” (128). Slightly faster tempo, similar insane, lurching drum beat. Completely different mood, I know. But the beats sort of line up, in a weird way.

No one speaks with both the authority and open-mindedness of a Deluva while you know he may be thinking, “Dude, how did they even let you into this studio!”

Given his unduly harsh reputation, I asked him when he left his Princeton if he would lend his expertise to a website where his knowledge would give me some ideas to work with that would give my ideas wider use.
