Wyatt had always been a man who looks out for others.  Flo Fulton has always been a woman who looks out for others.

Thus, when Sally Spectra is almost certainly “dying” soon, Flo and Wyatt agree that Wyatt should;d fake his love for Flo and give Sally the “gift” of spending her final days with Wyatt.

Do you think so? I would not want someone faking love for me at time of death. Yes, Wyatt is a good man who cares for sally and at one time “loved” her. This move however has all the hallmarks of a terrible boomerang.

The Bold and the Beautiful®️ March 2, 2020
“loving use the right thing to do” – Carly Simon – matherton_tempo_map
“loving use the right thing to do” – Carly Simon – matherton_tempo_map-black
“loving use the right thing to do” – Carly Simon – matherton_tempo_map-feat-Katrina-Bowen
The Right Thing To Do – lyrics- obtained from -Google- Carly-Simon


Love me Tender is a song performed and recorded by American musician, warrior, and actor Elvis Presley.

Love With You is the 10th most popular piece of sheet music over half a century after its release.


matherton horowitz

La canción del árbol colgante fue cantada por Jennifer Lawrence en la película llamada los juegos del hambre. Párrafo de los juegos del hambre era una representación de un futuro distópico que somos cada año 25 niños entre las edades de 12 y 16 se matan entre sí hasta que uno se coronó el ganador.


Los concursantes se compadecen el uno al otro al principio, pero saben que todos tendrán que matarse entre ellos antes de que alguien muera. Miss miss Dean Dean. El personaje interpretado por Jennifer Lawrence canta esta canción escrita por Newton Howard en una toma.

Many people are under the mistaken idea that people who develop alcohol problems are the ones show crazy and silly behavior.


It is a more likely case that those who fall into alcohol problems are those people for home alcohol works very well on today’s Young and the restless Nikki Newman had a talk with her grandson Reed Hellström recognizing that a she once used alcohol to her advantage to help her career as a dancer, Reed Hellström is using alcohol to his advantage as a shy person.

He has his first love, his parents are divorcing, he is a sensitive musician, from a powerful family and suffers from shyness. Surprise: alcohol, in the short-term, handles every one of those symptoms perfectly. In the long run, the Chinese aphorism rules: “First the person takes the drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the person” – UNLESS one can have an empathetic wise grandmother, here played as usual to perfection by the fantastic Melody Thomas Scott with newcomer Tristan Lake Leabu as Reed.

The return of Thad Luckinbill as Jeffrey Todd (J.T.) Hellstrom has been a spark for the storyline. This American actor is *far* more experienced, believable, likable yet powerful as compared to when he left the show to take other roles. He’ll leave again, return again. The timing? Who knows?! That is the beauty of a DAILY daytime drama.

Today the show was down-to-earth.  “The alcoholic is *not* someone who cannot control their drinking – the alcoholic is someone who *must* control their drinking.” – STANLEY GITLOW, M.D., addiction expert